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15 Sep 2022

BIM 360/Autodesk Build Cost API tutorials updated to use S3 signed url

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As a part of on-going effort to migrate Data Management OSS (Object Storage Service) to direct AWS S3 storage approach, we have updated two step-by-step tutorials for Cost API:

As far as Cost API itself is concerned, there is no change in Cost API. This update is about instruction for upload/download workflows that have dependency to Data Management API, which is affected by the change. If you use Data Management API to upload/download files in Docs, you are most likely aware about the change already.    

Action Required

If your application uploads a local file to a cost item and/or downloads a document which is generated from an SCO using the Data Management OSS, please migrate to use direct S3 signed url workflow by November 30, 2022, at which point old OSS approach will stop functioning.  


Additional Reference

Step-by-step Tutorial in Data Management:

If you have any questions, please contact APS support.  

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