Handling Sprite Events
When a user interacts with sprite viewables using a mouse, the Data Visualization extension raises two types of events for these interactions:
- When a user hovers over or off a sprite.Autodesk.DataVisualization.Core.MOUSE_CLICK
- When a user clicks on a sprite.
Mouse hovering event
When a user hovers on or off a sprite, the viewer dispatches the following event:
const event = {
type: "DATAVIZ_OBJECT_HOVERING", // Event identifier
dbId: 123, // `dbId` of sprite that the mouse hovers on/off
hovering: true, // `true` as mouse hovers over the sprite, or `false` otherwise
originalEvent: {}, // The original JavaScript `MouseEvent` object
Mouse clicking event
When a user clicks on a sprite, the viewer dispatches the following event:
const event = {
type: "DATAVIZ_OBJECT_CLICK", // Event identifier
dbId: 123, // `dbId` of sprite that is clicked on
originalEvent: {}, // The original JavaScript `MouseEvent` object
In your application, you can create event listeners for each of these events and configure them as shown below. In each function, event
refers to the dispatched event type defined above.
function onSpriteHovering(event) {
const targetDbId = event.dbId;
if (event.hovering) {
console.log(`The mouse hovers over ${targetDbId}`);
} else {
console.log(`The mouse hovers off ${targetDbId}`);
function onSpriteClicked(event) {
console.log(`Sprite clicked: ${event.dbId}`);
// Register event handlers for these two events.
const DataVizCore = Autodesk.DataVisualization.Core;
viewer.addEventListener(DataVizCore.MOUSE_HOVERING, onSpriteHovering);
viewer.addEventListener(DataVizCore.MOUSE_CLICK, onSpriteClicked);
Determining Which Sprite Icon Was Clicked By The User
To make it easy to determine which sprite (icon) is clicked by the user, append a custom attribute to the viewable object. The following code snippet illustrates the way to associate additional data of a sensor device with its corresponding SpriteViewable
. The client code can retrieve this associated data (i.e., myContextData
below) in a click event handler by obtaining the SpriteViewable
from the dbId
let viewableData = null;
function initializeApp() {
// Create a sprite viewable for a physical sensor with an assigned
// `dbId` of `123`. Both parameters `position` and `style` are skipped
// here for clarity. Please refer to the developer's guide for details.
const DataVizCore = Autodesk.DataVisualization.Core;
mySensorSprite = new DataVizCore.SpriteViewable(position, style, 123);
// Tag custom data on this instance of `SpriteViewable` for later use.
mySensorSprite.myContextData = {
sensorManufacturer: "Imaginary Co. Ltd.",
sensorModel: "BTE-2900x",
labels: ["In Service", "Passive"],
viewableData = new DataVizCore.ViewableData();
await viewableData.finish();
// In the handler for `MOUSE_CLICK` event...
function onSensorSpriteClicked(event) {
// The identifier of the `SpriteViewable` that is being clicked.
const targetDbId = event.dbId;
// Look up the corresponding sprite viewable from `viewableData`.
const viewables = viewableData.viewables;
const viewable = viewables.find((v) => v.dbId === targetDbId);
if (viewable && viewable.myContextData) {
const data = viewable.myContextData;
console.log(`Sensor model: ${data.sensorModel}`);
// Should print "Sensor model: BTE-2900x"
Note: the
will need to be a unique number, and if using x, y, z position, will need to be a number not associated with any objects.