GraphQL Developer Tools
You can use various GraphQL tools with our API to explore, visualize, and run queries. Although our custom Manufacturing Data Model Explorer is the recommended tool, you have the flexibility to choose any compatible tool that best fits your needs, including Postman, Insomnia, and Voyager. Our tutorials primarily feature the Manufacturing Data Model Explorer to provide detailed insights into query execution. For guidance on using tools like Postman and Insomnia, you can refer to the tutorials on Using Postman GraphQL client and GraphQL Queries in Insomnia.
The Manufacturing Data Model Explorer includes a built-in authorization feature supporting default scopes such as data:create, data:read, data:write, and data:search. However, when using tools other than the Explorer, you need to specify these scopes when generating a three-legged token. Refer to the Scopes documentation for more information about the supported scopes and their functions.
Manufacturing Data Model Explorer Overview
The Manufacturing Data Model Explorer is an interactive browser-based user interface that facilitates the exploration and execution of GraphQL queries on the Manufacturing Data Model. It incorporates an autocomplete functionality that suggests relevant fields while you type a query. Connecting to your active Fusion Hubs enables you to work with real Fusion designs and manipulate data seamlessly.
Note: Manufacturing Data Model Explorer only accesses your production data.

User Interaction elements
This section describes the GUI elements of the explorer, including panes, tabs, and buttons.
Explorer panes
The following image illustrates the elements of the Explorer pane. Refer to the following table for explanations regarding the different Panes.

No. | Interaction Elements | Description |
1 | Query Pane | The pane where you can author GraphQL queries and mutations. |
2 | Query Variables & Request Headers Pane | The pane where you can add and edit Query Variables or additional Request Headers. |
3 | Results Pane | Displays responses of the queries executed. |
Interactive elements
The following screenshot identifies important User Interaction (UI) elements of the explorer. Refer to the following table for description of each UI element.

No. | Interaction Elements | Description |
1 | Documentation Explorer | Displays user documentation on the fly when working with queries within the Manufacturing Data Model Explorer. |
2 | History Button | Displays the list of recent queries on the left side of the screen. |
3 | Prettify Button | Reformats the query for readability. |
4 | Play Button | Runs the query and displays response in the result pane. |
5 | Merge Button | Merges any GraphQL fragments into the query. |
6 | Copy Button | Copies the query present in the Query Pane. |
7 | Version Drop-down | Allows users to select a specific API version for querying. |
8 | Voyager | Redirects you to Voyager interface where you can interact with data in a visual or intuitive way. |
9 | Settings Dialog | Displays configurations for the UI theme and Data Cache. |
10 | Short Keys Guide | Displays the shortcut key dialog box with a list of shortcut keys and their corresponding functions. |
11 | Re-fetch Button | Re-fetches the GraphQL Schema. |
12 | Request Headers | The pane where you can add and edit additional Request Headers. |
13 | Query Variables Pane | The pane where you can add and edit Query Variables. |
14 | Results pane | The pane where you can see the response of the query. |
Tip: You can also view the user documentation of a particular term by holding Control (on Windows) or Command (on macOS) key on your keyboard and clicking the term. After clicking, the Documentation Explorer appears on the right side of the screen.
After Documentation Explorer opens, you should see an image similar to the one following with the description of the fields in the table below it.

No. | Interaction Elements | Description |
1 | Documentation Explorer Button | Displays the user documentation pane. |
2 | Documentation Explorer | Displays user documentation quickly when working with queries within the Manufacturing Data Model Explorer. |
3 | Query Term | A valid schema term which can be described using the Query Pane Term Viewer. |
4 | Query Pane Term Viewer | Using the keyboard short key and selecting a term, displays the definition of the respective term within the Query Pane. |
Sending queries
- In the Query Pane, enter your query. As you enter the query, autocomplete assists you in completing the query.
- In the Query Variables Pane, specify the variable and its value in JSON format.
Note: If the Query Variable Pane is collapsed by default, click QUERY VARIABLES to expand the Query Variable Pane.
- Click Play to run the GraphQL query. The response is displayed in the pane on the right.
Handling token expiration
The Manufacturing Data Model Explorer effortlessly handles access tokens. If you encounter an expired access token, simply refresh or close the browser and sign in again. If the problem persists, clearing your browser’s cache before signing in again might help resolve it.
Voyager overview
GraphQL Voyager is a web-based tool designed to visually represent GraphQL schemas. It enables users to interactively explore the schema, providing insights into its structure, relationships, and documentation. By simply clicking the types and fields, you can access descriptions and relationship details, which help you to comprehend the available data and construct queries effectively.
You can access the GraphQL Voyager by using the following options:
Using the menu option
In Manufacturing Data Model Explorer, click the Profile icon and choose Voyager from the profile menu.
Using the Voyager URL
- Browse through
- Sign in using your Autodesk credentials.
Using the Voyager icon
In Manufacturing Data Model Explorer, click the Voyager icon.
After signing in, you should see the Voyager interface like the following image.

Exploring Voyager’s features
- When you click a type in the schema, it will show you its connections and information about its fields. The same thing happens when you click the type’s name on the left-side panel.
- You can use the search input on the left-side panel to filter the elements in the schema.
- When you click a connection, it will be highlighted both in the schema and on the left-side panel.
- You can traverse the graph using the mouse and, to some extent, the buttons at the bottom-right of the screen. This allows you to zoom in and out, move in any direction, and focus on specific elements.
Voyager’s filtering options
In the bottom floating panel, you’ll discover various filtering options for enhancing your data visualization. You can use individual filters or combine multiple filters to refine your data visualization.
The available filtering options are explained as follows:
- Sort by alphabet: This filter allows you to arrange fields within each type alphabetically.
- Skip Relay: This filter helps you to exclude Relay’s wrapper classes from the view.
- Skip Deprecated: This option hides all deprecated fields.
- Show leaf fields: Enabling Show leaf fields will present all fields that are not connections, effectively excluding Relay-related elements.