18 May 2020
Forge Partner Talks: Digital Twins Q&A and recording

Thank you for joining us at the very first Forge Partner Talks on Digital Twins. Hopefully you learned a lot from seeing the solutions our partners created, and are now inspired to build your own. We received quite a few questions and were unfortunately unable to get to all of them, so our panelists have answered them for you below.
Watch the recording
Is it possible to use this kind of Forge Digital Twin Platform without linking to an Enterprise Asset Management platform?
This can be customized in any shape and form that you like. Moicon prefer to view all the data from the 3D model perspective, meaning data is intuitively available for the user to review. In the regard of viewing the Forge Viewer inside Maximo, there's already some existing content for this (link). Moicon is currently hosting several solutions for clients who have enabled their Enterprise Asset Management (EAM) using Embedded Power BI. This can easily be toggled and authenticated from the 3D model in a sidebar or overlaying dashboard.
- Torbjørn Grimstad, Manager at Moicon
How do you handle very large 3D models in the Forge Viewer?
One of the core elements that the Forge Viewer dev team has been focusing on is enabling large and complex model to be displayed in the Forge Viewer. Moicon have brought in large 3D models with millions of vertices. A very good live example of a high detailed model is Dasher360.com where Kean Walmsley and his team did an amazing job integrating a complex 3D model with data from various sources. Moicon also offer model optimization service, where we apply gaming techniques to reduce verticie-counts, calculations, draw calls, optimize materials, textures, animations and more to be able to handle large 3D models (like large building compounds or even small cities). Moicon also apply LOD (Level of Detail) to our model for better viewing performance. A simple LOD example can be seen here.
- Torbjørn Grimstad, Manager at Moicon
Where are the documents stored? How do you link to items?
In Capgemini’s ReflectIoD, digital twin platform, there exists different ways to store document: either remotely in the existing document management system, or within ReflectIoD, or within BIM360. It enables to adapt seamlessly to the project size and conditions.
- Alban Alev, Program Manager at Capgemini
How are the IoT sensors capturing progress? Is it based on location or something else?
Iot sensors tied to locations for environmental data and equipment that serve locations for operational data.
- Andrew Arnold, Head of Product at VueOps
Is each project located in its own coordinate system?
Yes, we're preparing unique coordinate systems for each and every model displayed in the viewer. We can even apply additional coordinate system for different sensor systems, for example asset management leveraging positioning sensors requiring real world or local coordinate systems.
- Torbjørn Grimstad, Manager at Moicon
The construction industry is very fragmented. What's the key for a successful digital twin during the design and construction phases?
The key is working with an owner that sees the value and drives FM requirements into the facility procurement process, and has the foresight to invest CAPex funds into delivering a digital twin that benefits OPex. The CAPex owner organization that's interested in defining and measuring building design performance goals against actual performance would be a good candidate...
- Andrew Arnold, Head of Product at VueOps
Do users view your Forge models on devices like tablets and phones? Is it the same experience as using a computer?
Yes, the Forge models can be displayed on all screen devices that can connect to the internet with Chrome, Firefox or Safari. The experience is equally seamless. The code can even detect which device you're connected from and change the display settings accordingly to give you the best viewing experience according to your device and hardware.
- Torbjørn Grimstad, Manager at Moicon
Do you have examples of using Digital Twins for industrial plants, and not just buildings created in Revit?
At Capgemini, we have designed Reflect IoD cloud native digital twin platform for industrial facilities, infrastructures, building, cities and territories. You can see some industrial examples in this video https://youtu.be/TYFVap21JFY, or contact us for more specific use cases in various industrial sectors (such as nuclear, oil&gas, utilities, rail).
Some “classic” use cases are: Commissioning, Improved handover, Hypervision & Event management, Virtual Training enablement, Enhanced Field Worker, Intervention preparation, Remote Assistance, Alerting, Diagnosis & Resolution, Asset Revamping.
- Alban Alev, Program Manager at Capgemini
Do you have in involvement in influencing the data standards from design and construction models? so that the information they receive is more easily integrated?
We follow the progress of the standards and attend meetings periodically. We're particularly interested in extending the standards in regard to standing up a shared data dictionary platform for assets and systems. We're aware of a few projects with this goal.
- Andrew Arnold, Head of Product at VueOps
Do you have a business case stating the costs to establish and maintain measured against the actual gains compared to not having the digital twin?
The concept of the Digital Twin combines innovative structural monitoring with digitalization, which allows the digital twin to assess, test and optimizing the physical assets to improve vital key performance indicators. While we cannot disclose this business by name, we can release metrics that we found in a specific case study after applying a digital twin:
- Total accident rate reduction: 30%
- Total fatal accident rate reduction: 70%
- EBITDA revenue increase. Target value: 25%
- Maintenance cost reduction. Target value: 40%
- Operating expense cost reduction (OPEX). Target value: 40%
- Levelized cost of energy cost reduction (LCOE). Target value: 35%
- Distribution optimization increase: 30%
- Torbjørn Grimstad, Manager at Moicon
In the area of digital twins, business cases are extremely sensible to the data quality. Capgemini has developed an assessment method called the Proof Of Value to explore, review, challenge and confirm the use cases and their quantitative benefits, in the particular client real data conditions.
Then the Digital Twin should be developed only where it produces enough benefits. Generally speaking, the opportunity is big. Depending on the context, the savings and gains in Operations can go up to 30% of the OPEX. For long lived assets where the OPEX weights for more than 80% of the TCO (CAPEX + OPEX), the saving opportunity represent more than the CAPEX.
- Alban Alev, Program Manager at Capgemini
We are developing the business case but haven't published it, yet. Look for the published business case coming from VueOps soon.
- Andrew Arnold, Head of Product at VueOps
What challenges did Forge solve that other services could not?
Forge offers unique and "battle-tested" technology that enables companies to build applications that tap straight into their specific data and existing systems to innovate their workflows. Forge offers technology unlike no other, ranging from a 3D viewer which can handle millions of data points to complex technology like Design Automation APIs where traditionally desktop-based features now are enabled in the cloud. Moicon had great success by implementing Forge and the Design Automation APIs to our web viewer for the manufacturing industry. The feedback from our clients is that Moicon's Forge-enabled application is intuitive and "fun to use" while generating value and solving everyday problems and situations.
- Torbjørn Grimstad, Manager at Moicon
Forge APIs enable to assemble Digital Twin according to the sector / context business requirements, versus "one size fits all" tentative and costly solutions. Forge provides the building blocks in a scalable, highly available manner, to manage and visualize CAD data from various vendors, as well as interacting with and automating major Autodesk CAD tools features from the cloud.
- Alban Alev, Program Manager at Capgemini
The Forge APIs ease ease the process of getting data out of models and drawings, associating external data with drawings and models, and of providing a browser-based drawing and model visualization platform. The platform enables Forge partners to invest more of our time on the business solutions our customers seek.
- Andrew Arnold, Head of Product at VueOps
What are a few fundamental learnings you will take to your next project?
- Communicate the why to the project team
- Get in at the right time
- Keep the threshold low enough so you can cross it
- Build a roadmap
- Define success
- Pick the right project
- Find the right partners: designers, gc, trades, consultants, etc.
- Learn and improve
- Andrew Arnold, Head of Product at VueOps
Machine learning and AI. A digital twin that accurately interprets the signals from the sensors at the critical areas or components to develop a machine learning algorithm, which it is envisioned to be able to accurately detect damage before it occurs.
- Torbjørn Grimstad, Manager at Moicon
Each company has its specificities that makes it unique, so be prepared to discover your own way forward, finding the right digital twin use cases, benefits, according to your data.
- Alban Alev, Program Manager at Capgemini
Forge Partner Talks series
Look for a new panel discussion every Wednesday in May, at 7 am PST/4 pm CET.
Wednesday May 20: Configurators (register here)
Wednesday May 27: Dashboards & Insights (register here)
You can view recordings to previous Partner Talks panels here.