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15 Jan 2020

Postman Collections for Model Coordination API


Follow @Xiaodong Liang

On AU Las Vegas of 2019, we announced Model Coordination API (beta). It is a milestone of BIM 360 API.  In the class BIM 360 API Updates , Mikako, Don and Simon introduced to the true API first implementation of Model Coordination API and some examples of integration with Power BI and VR. The tutorials and API references are available in the category of BIM 360 API on Forge website.

It is always the first step to test endpoints when playing new APIs. For the convenience of customers, we provided Postman collections which might help you get familiar with the APIs:

This repository provides two collections of Postman, one follows API references, the other follows tutorials of Model Coordination API. Since the API supports 3-legged token only, this collections take Inheriting auth to apply 3-legged token to every endpoint in the collection, which means it does not need to input the token in the header explicitly.

API reference collection demo the basic usage of each endpoint, in the same sequence corresponding to the API references. To make it simpler, it assumes you have got project id (without 'b.') which will be container id of model coordination. Try to change some parameters to play more possibilities of an endpoint.

api ref

Tutorials collection posts the endpoints that are used in the tutorials. You could follow the steps of each tutorial to test the context. The step [Creating model sets] in tutorial Model Sets and Versions assumes some models/updated models have been available in the specific folder (specified in request payload >> folders >> folderUrn). Because it might happen Forge application uploads models to BIM 360 folders automatically, this collection of Postman also provides an optional sub-collection. It assumes,  given hub name and project name only, how to create subfolder in Plan folder and upload models to the subfolder. It is in the socope of Data Management API, yet it might be helpful when integrating the steps in a comprehensive workflow.



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