Autodesk Forge is now Autodesk Platform Services

19 May 2020

Forge Training - Recap

The first-ever Forge Training happened during the last week of April. And was a great experience for us and, from the messaged we got, great for attendees. So let me start with a big thank you to all the attendees, to all questions, ideas, goals, and challenges shared with us.

Just like "on-site" events, we had tracks and classes, and being virtual, we also had different time zones. And more, it allowed us to reach people in different regions, from Australia to South America, from Japan to Canada, from Russia to South Africa. Here are some numbers:

  • 2 time zones: London and San Francisco (US-Pacific) times
  • 4 tracks: view models, view hub models, dashboard, and design automation
  • 12 classes: each track happened in both .NET and Nodejs and for both time zones.
  • 370 registered.
  • 134 companies.
  • 5 speakers: Adam Nagy, Petr Broz, Jaime Rosales, Michael Beale, and Augusto Goncalves

Most important, as all that was needed was to open a link, classes were actually small sessions during the day, intercalating "show me what to do", give some time to complete it, followed by a Q&A session. This format allowed people to squeeze the classes during their regular working day. Isn't that great? Here is some feedback on that:

  • (…), but spreading it out allowed me to take time for my other 'real-world' work in between the training.
  • great format! I was able to balance training (for the most part) with other work tasks of the day

By the end of the week, 90%+ were able to complete the tutorials and were satisfied with the results. Again, thank you for the time and effort dedicated to attending it, we're super glad it helped. 

  • have learned a lot of new things. I am a complete beginner in web development, and about two months ago, (...). I was struggling to understand the basic concepts behind Forge, and this training has opened my eyes. I finally completed my first project
  • Very good training for people with zero programming level. It was very useful and intuitive.

At this point you may recognize the track names: it was all based on the Learn Forge Tutorials. This tutorial actually includes more workflows (e.g. Viewer Extensions) and more languages (PHP, Java, Go), and it's self-guided, meaning you can take it anytime. In case of any questions, check the "Ask questions" link at the bottom of each page. 

One main request is to access the recordings. As the training happened during the entire day (with quick 15-30 minutes sessions) the complete recording is 8+ hours, so not really useful. To overcome that we started recording a "compressed" 20 minutes version of it. Below is the first for View Models with .NET Core.

And the View Hubs with .NET Core.

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